Tuesday, October 27, 2009

I really wanted to cry huwaaa

7 days.... I'm giving up.. that's it... this is the 1st and the last for me... maybe I'm trying a different sports in the future... can't do sprinting, neither long distance... huhuhu... age and weight is not an excuse... kak zah is the example... she's a veteran and still none of the younger ladies can beat her on the track... wow!!!

missing my family... everynite my doter said 'mama... keluar lah dari telefon' really touch my fragile heart. I'm just trying a new experience. Wondering what is it like representing the board... and this will be the last... maybe... just a 'maybe' will plays for Badminton for the next. No more tracks...


nona said...

aduhai arwen...meruntun jiwa sungguh ayat dia..hehe.. takpe siti.. dah try sekali thn depan ko masuk acara lain ar.. thn ni kira amik pengalaman

The lucky woman said...

ha ah tu lah... begenang gak airmata aku dgr dia ckp camtu tp kaber baek punya kengkunun gelak... pdhal mata da merah huhuhu

Val Aziz said...

woit Khady ko masih belari rupanya...ni aku pun ada acara ujung tahun tapi belum lagi start training...die la..lemak sudah tepu ni..mkn habuk la ni..cuba dulu kasi tips..

The lucky woman said...

ala val,aku ingat aku buleh lari lagi mcm dulu,skali belari kapus2 kambang2 idung mo kasi sampai finishing line hahaha.. tp mmg betul la mcm kita yg lama rehat ni perlu la training.. penting tuh