Monday, December 20, 2010
breastfeeding diet
+ 8 glasses of water. I have trouble counting and memorizing how many glasses i had so i made myself drink 1 glass @ every odd hr from 5am-7pm (5am, 7am, 9am, 11am, 1pm, 3pm, 5pm and 7pm) it works well!!
+ anmum lacta twice daily during breakfast and before going to bed.
+ horlicks or milo for evening tea. Trying getting rid of nescafe. But i had it sumtimes once in 2 weeks.
+ soya beans and fruit juices before or/and after feeding
+ milkmaid tea. Haven't try yet, just bought yesterday.
+ strictly no rice! I've gained 17kg and only lost 6kg during 1month checkup. I'm taking oat as my nasi!
+ green leafy vegie
+ sardine, tuna, salmön
+ bread
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
cabaran berpantang & breastfeeding
'itulah kau.. Nda kasi biasa susu botol.. Kan susah mau berjalan' 'kenapa kau nda kasi blajar isap puting?' aduh.. Kalau aku jadi pak turut sahaja, humaini kemungkinan besar akan mengalami 'keliru puting' dan inilah antara punca ibu-ibu di malaysia gagal menyusukan secara eksklusif. Semasa dalam pantang bayi tidak seharusnya diperkenalkan terlalu awal dengan puting tiruan. Tapi kalau terpaksa pun, memang ada caranya supaya bayi tidak menolak puting ibu. Hendak seribu daya lah kan.
Aku telah mula menyediakan stok susu untuk keperluan humaini apabila aku sudah kembali bekerja kelak. Permulaan yang masih slow dan kurang produktif. Sehari cuma dapat 1oz disebabkan humaini sentiasa melekat. Keadaan ini menyebabkan aku sedikit stress sebab tidak mempunyai ruang dan waktu untuk mengepam dan menguruskan diri. Nasib baiklah ada peer councellor. Humaini melekat sebab suka kehangatan yang dirasa bila berdampingan dengan mamanya. Humaini kerap berak pada awal kelahiran kerana susu awal mama mengandungi kolostrum yang mudah cerna. Tetapi pada minggu ke5 aku menjadi risau kerana humaini tidak berak. Peer councellor told that it is normal too tapi aku tetap risau sedikit. Pada hari ke2 aku minum anmun lacta (hari ni), alhamdulillah humaini berak dengan banyaknya hahah.
To be continue..
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Pospartum weeks
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Pengalaman bersalin ke3

The third? Wah tidak ku sangka aku akan melalui saat-saat melahirkan sebanyak tiga kali. Kesemuanya ditempuhi dengan keadaan & dugaan yang berbeza. This time aku memang mengharap tidak akan di'induced'.. biarlah semuanya berlaku naturally.. dan terima kasih ya Allah kerana telah mengkabulkan permintaan ku, alhamdulillah.
Tidak seperti kandungan pertama & kedua, kandungan kali ini sungguh mencabar kesabaranku kerana aku tidak mempunyai LMP. Aku hanya bergantung kepada 'ultrascan' untuk jangkaan tarikh bersalin (EDD). Ikut medical term, kandungan ini adalah kandungan ke4 kerana aku telah keguguran kandungan ketiga pada 10/01/2010. Selepas itu masya Allah, aku terus mengandung tanpa period terlebih dahulu.Berita yang amat menggembirakan setelah sedih kehilangan janin yang baru berusia 6 minggu.
Hari berganti hari, minggu berganti minggu, bulan berganti bulan... bila tiba Oktober rasa lega sebab bila orang bertanya 'bila?' sambil memuncungkan mulut ke arah perutku yang membonjol... aku boleh jawab 'tunggu hari' dengan senyuman. Tapi tidak, hari-hari yang dilalui semasa bulan Oktober boleh lah di declare sebagai hari-hari yang paling panjang pernah aku lalui hehehe. Masakan tidak kalau tiap-tiap hari menunggu tanda-tanda bersalin yang tiga tu: air, darah, atau sakit. Tapi tidak juga kunjung tiba.
Mula-mula teringin betul kalau dapat bersalin tarikh 10/10/10... cantik kan... for sure ramai yang nikah time ni. Tapi hampa, 11hb aku masih datang bekerja hahahah... it's okay.. ada lagi tarikh cantik bulan ni 20/10/2010... sama juga... berlalu dgn begitu sahaja tanpa sebarang tanda. Actually ada juga terasa beberapa siri contractions, tapi cuma braxton hicks semata, saspen pon ada, manalah tau tiba2 tgh mlm terus sakit tanda bersalin, ngeri juga tu bila imagine bersalin di rumah atau kereta.
Bila terlepas tarikh 10/10/10 & 20/10/2010, aku mula pasrah.. bila2 ja la baby... asalkan bulan ni hehehe... went to antenatal check up on the 22nd, Dr Suzain memaklumkan bahawa air ketubanku sudah kurang, berat badan pun maintain (from previous check up ja la hahaha). Dua2 tu menandakan yang harinya akan tiba tidak lama lagi. Aku bertanyakan tentang contraction yang aku alami tu. Dr Suzain mencadangkan agar aku berehat sahaja, so aku diberi MC 2 hari pada hari itu (tapi kira 1 hari ja la sbb sabtu memang aku tidak bekerja pun).
23hb, hari ulangtahun kelahiran abang iparku, juga tertulis sebagai salah satu EDD berdasarkan ultrascan. Kami sekeluarga pulang ke kampung suami. Tapi macam biasa, singgah dulu Suria Sabah tengok movie 3D: Sammy's Adventure. 24hb, jam 10.20am ada bloody show semasa aku mandi. Mula2 mcm tidak percaya, boleh lagi berlagak selamba. Masa bersiap2 (sebenarnya kami bersiap untuk pulang ke kampungku) suami masuk ke bilik dan masa tu la aku berkata: 'Bang, ada tanda darah sudah'... So, balik kampung tidak jadi, sebaliknya off to hospital hahaha.
Sampai hospital aku terus menuju ke kaunter pendaftaran wad bersalin. Aku disuruh masuk ke bilik pemeriksaan sebaik sahaja aku memberitahu 'Ada tanda darah'. Terus tukar uniform pink hehehe, masa tu baru teringat aku sebenarnya mahu bertanyakan terlebih dahulu sekiranya ada wad kelas 1 di Hospital Papar. Sudah siap2 berbaring untuk diperiksa bukaan, sambil2 misi menyediakan peralatan mereka bawa aku bersembang, masa tu lah baru aku tahu di sana cuma ada wad kelas 3 huhuhuh.... Tidak mengapalah, walaupun Hospital Likas ada kelas 1 tapi tidak semestinya available untuk aku sebab sudah sedia maklum Hospital Likas sentiasa sesak. Semasa pemeriksaan, misi berulang kali menyuruhku agar relax kerana aku agak 'tight' susah untuk menentukan findings.. aku tergelak kerana aku seolah-olah mengandung anak pertama pula hahahah. BP aku pun tinggi, misi bercadang utk mengambil bacaan BP beberapa minit kemudian kerana kemungkinan aku tengah nervous menyebabkan bacaan tinggi.
'Sudah buka 3cm, puan boleh lah keluar jumpa suami dulu, nanti 12.30 masuk ke sini balik bawa barang2 puan sekali' hohohoho... aku blur, ikut sahaja arahan. Sampai masa, aku di bawa tour wad bersalin tu... hmm... sesuai lah aku di sini sahaja, memang lengang, walaupun kelas 3 tapi selesa. Hari tu ahad, waktu melawat panjang (12.30 - 7.30) so aku lucky warded haritu... suami bawa anak2 & ibu mertua, masa tu contraction datang setiap 5 minit. Kemudian 2 org rakan sekerja pun datang melawat. Mereka meninggalkan aku dalam jam 6pm. Ketika itu sakit semakin kuat, setiap kali contraction aku menutup mata, tiba masa untuk diperiksa tekanan darah, misi terkejut bila ketika itu contraction tengah on tetapi aku tidak mengadu kesakitan pun. Sakit sebenarnya tapi beginilah aku, aku akan berdiam sahaja sambil selawat di dalam hati. Doa & zikir ketika sakit hendak bersalin aku sudah lama salin di atas sehelai kertas melalui buku 'Indahnya Hidup Bersyariat' tapi rupanya kertas tu dalam beg yang telah aku serahkan kepada suami... alahai... tawakal ja la mcm ni... doa tu memang tidak hafal, zikir tu senanglah, zikir biasa sahaja. 'Ini tengah contraction ni, tidak sakit?' 'Sakit juga, tapi diam2 ja la' 'Nanti pergi depan, kita cek sudah buka berapa, ok' ooo... macam ni rupanya, kita request sendiri kalau hendak tahu bukaan berapa. Dua2 pengalamanku dahulu, misi akan datang ke katil & periksa bukaan.
'Relax... relax... eh... 6? 7? eh.. biar betul... relax puan... apa benda ni?' alahai paniknya aku semasa di bilik pemeriksaan buat kali ke2 tu... 'ok puan sudah buka 5, masuk 6cm, puan boleh tahan juga ya sakit tu? cuma saya risau ada something bulging. Puan ambillah dulu baju2 baby kemudian dtg terus ke labour room, ok. Aku mcm tidak percaya masanya hampir tiba... bila masuk wad blk, semua yg ada bertanya berapa sudah bukaanku, semua terkejut bila dpt tahu bukaanku sudah masuk 6cm & telah diarah untuk masuk ke labour room, 3 org daripada mereka sudah masuk hari ke5 tetapi masih belum sampai masa untuk bersalin. Aku berdebar, sempat hantar sms kepada seorang rakan & suami memaklumkan aku akan ke labour room.
Sampai di labour room, aku diberi pam enema, pengalaman baru lagi pam sendiri hahaha... dulu misi yang pamkan. Selesai mengosongkan apa2 yang patut, aku bersedia untuk proses pecahkan air ketuban... alahai lambat pula dapat di pecahkan, yang kedua dulu kejap sahaja & tidak terasa apa2... kali ni aku terasa ngilu sedikit. Misi masih risau tentang 'benda' bulging itu. Beliau meminta 2 org rakannya yang lain untuk memeriksa & berikan pendapat. Beberapa kali misi tersebut memohon maaf kepadaku kerana aku terpaksa diseluk beberapa kali. Akhirnya mereka membuat kesimpulan benda bulging tu cuma rahim/serviks ku yang tidak smooth... bentuknya bergerigi mungkin disebabkan vakuum pada kelahiran pertama dahulu. Aku lega juga takut manalah tahu benda tu tali pusat pula... takut baby terjerut tali pusat semasa meneran.
Subhanallah.... Allahuakbar.... ayat kursi... itu sahaja la yang mampu aku ucapkan setiap kali contraction datang... aku terdengar perbualan misi: 'Tahan sakit juga dia ni, kalau orang lain meraung sudah' 'Kalau dia tutup mata tu, tengah tahan sakit la tu' 'Puan... syif saya habis ni, nanti kalau puan sudah tidak tahan sakit, puan panggil sahaja, mereka ada di luar tu... selamat melahirkan... jumpa esok pagi..' Kesakitanku rasa hilang sebentar dengan layanan mesra & sambutan salam pemberi semangat misi tu.
Aku sempat menjenguk jam di tanganku... 9.15pm.. aduhhh... sakit macam hendak meneran sudah ni... tapi tadi cek baru bukak 7cm,... aduh... macamana ni?.... Semasa contraction 9.15 tu aku terasa aku suda terkencing & terberak sedikit... 'Nurse!!! Nurse!!!!... ya allah... mana mereka ni... suara aku tidak kedengarankah ni... aduhh.... Nurse!!! Nurse!!!! baru kelihatan beberapa org meluru masuk ke labour room.. 'Kenapa?....rasa mahu meneran sudah?' 'Ya.... Saya rasa saya terberak sudah' 'OK, tidak mengapa... marilah try teran, kita cuba ok'. Subhanallah... Allahuakbar.... ok sikit lagi... nampak suda telinga baby... cantik... pandai mama teran... lagi mama... sikit lagi.... tarik nafas panjang sikit.... ok mama.... tahan dulu jangan teran, baby sudah keluar, tunggu potong tali pusat... jangan teran... ok boleh teran sikit.... alhamdulillah.... tengok ni... mama cakap sendiri baby ni jantina apa... 'baby girl...' airmata kegembiraan mengalir melihat baby ku... Dayang Aireen Humaini... Dilahirkan secara normal, berat 2.98kg pada 9.30pm 24hb Oktober 2010.
Friday, October 22, 2010
The pain of waiting...
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Not Fit To Fly
I was supposed to be in a 2-weeks pre-advace courses on the 19th-30th at the academy. However, my doctor had written an exemption letter, replacing the assured-fit-t-fly letter. I really don't know how to react on this. Probably frustrated a bit, since the next schedule for the courses to be offered and I'll be available to attend, will be next year. On the other hand, I was thinking about my baby's wellbeing, and better not to jeopardize. This is my precious pregnancy. I love you baby.
Being a wife, mother of two, expecting the 3rd baby and an employee at the same time is very tough. I dunno how many times I mention bout this but surely someone who's in the same boat will nod their head as a gesture of consent.
Monday, June 7, 2010
June updates
Kehabisan suda tajuk apa yang mo diletak sbb usually rajin update blog bila ada apa2 yg menarik berlaku. Banyak juga sbnrnya tapi hilang mood mo menulis sbb ketiadaan masa utk online. Kalau ada streamyx diruma mungkin terupdate jugak. Hmmm... inilah mo pikir mcmana nnt pantang insyallah bulan hujung bulan 10, 11 - 12 (maybe sambung cuti smpi new year hahahah). Dulu2 pantang musim AF & mmg ada streamyx di rumah. Kali ni bb dijangka lahir hujung bulan 10, internet pulak paling bagus streamyx ja la.. harap broadband lain mmg tiada lah.... ada tu ada tp bikin sakit jiwa ja adala...

skrg ni tgh lepak di MCD Sulaman pinjam wifi free hehehe sementara tunggu mo p servis. Mo kasi cadangan lah sama servis centre tu supaya dorg provide free wifi.. nda jugaklah boring menunggu. Okaylah.. tgl sejam lagik utk appoinment. Karang sambung... gambar kali ni gambar ultrasound bb masa 10 weeks & 15 weeks... nnt 10hb dapat gambar baru & harap2 boleh tau jantina (altho doesn't matter).
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Family trip to Labuan

Time of departure: 6.00 am from Home (Kota Belud)
Drive to Menumbok by car, transit @ Sulaman McD's drive thru for breakfast.
Arrived @ menumbok ferry terminal but no ferry available for passengers only. Only for pre-booked vehicles. So we have no choice, have to ride the speedboat... It tooks only 20miniutes...
Arrived @ Labuan International Terminal @ about 10.30.. Dine-in @ KFC while waiting for my brother. Bring along the nephews and check-in @ Tiara labuan Hotel... nice... RM 188 (govt rate)

Thursday, April 22, 2010
Fire drill
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
The end of 1st Trimester
2nd April was my girl 3rd bday... we celebrated the day watching Alice In Wonderland... full packed cinema since it was the 'Good Friday' holiday.
very short updates huh...
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
The 3rd month
Friday, February 19, 2010
February Updates
I was trying to upload pictures of my Anaqin's first day going to school but the uploading process seems ages to finish so I canceled.. next time lah when the broadband gets better. Hmm... next update pleasee... lemmi think... o ya.. I just received a brand new hand mixer.. redeemed from my cc points which is expiring the end of this month.Yahooo... senang suda mo buat kek (bila la kunun ni? hehehe)
aaa... next?? Today, I went to see Dr. L. almost crying being lectured by her huhuhuh... She said I was not supposed to get pregnant immediately after having a miscarriage... (and there goes my announcement). But I have found out that the risk of pregnancy after spontaneous miscarriage does not have evidence to support the doc's recommendations for not trying to be pregnant in 1-3 months after... it also says that it's normal that women's fertility is actually increasing after a spontaneous miscarriage. The problem with my case is to calculate the EDD since I didn't have the usual cycle after the miscarriage bleeding. But we have ultrasound nowadays that can provides more accurate EDD. Since it's still early, no EDD for this visit.. have to wait for the next visit which is on 11th next month. Friends.. please pray for this pregnancy going well until delivery...
Sunday, January 24, 2010

I've lost my baby in the making on this date. Lucky that I don't have to go through the D&C. During my 1st prenatal visit with Dr S, I have an instinct that something's wrong with the baby. I've experiencing minor cramping but when I asked Dr. S she just smile saying that I didn't have to be worried since it's normal. She tried scanning the baby to make sure it's not an ectopic. She said my uterus swelling as in normal pregnancy but she can't find the baby since it was only 5 weeks and 3 days at that time. She asked me to do the urine test. And the fainted double line was the result. I didn't told her that I've done home test twice and it's still a positive result. She said it was a 50-50 result so she provided me another UPT and ask me to do the test again early in the morning where the urine is most concentrate. And, for the 4th time... it's postive & fainted but better than the 1st test done in my previous entry.

On 090110, a brownish spotting occur and at that moment, I told myself to be strong and ready to be facing with an early miscarriage. Blood starting to flow the next morning but still I didn't see a doctor since female doctor is only availabe from Monday to Wednesday at my place. Then, late in the evening when I was in the shower, I was surprised to see something on the pad.. I thought it was a blood clot but no... it's texture was more to a flesh. Me and hubby rush to the emergency and the doctor confirmed it was a complete abortion. I was warded for a nite and the next morning the doctor again confirmed I didn't have to go through D&C.. everything's have come out completely. Guess have to try again next time.
Sunday, January 3, 2010
What To Expect??



Can you read the word 'pregnant' ?? heheh... Cool huh... I'm in my 1st month... another 8 months to go before the baby expected to see the world the first week of September (or the final week of August judging from the early-than-due labors of the baby's bro and sis.
The Lost Gold
Salam to all.. it’s been a while since I wrote the last post.. dunno how to start.. probably what I have in mind right now is about the lost of my precious gold necklace. Yeahh… I have 2, 1 was a gift from bapa for the PMR excellence & the other is from mama simply for her only daughter to have it as a-mom-to-daughter-tradition-gift. Guess which one was lost?? The one I wrote with the bold was… huhuhuh….
From the time when I was confirmed that my second child is a girl, I have promised that the girl will have the tradition gift from me. I didn’t have a tough time though on deciding which necklace I should give away. It’s not that I like it more than the other. I love both but since the ‘was’ (hahah… feeling like naming it as ‘was’) have no pendant yet, so I took into consideration that the new pendant should be engraved with arwen’s name.
It’s a shame that I didn’t know the ‘Who’, or ‘How’, ‘Where’ and ‘When’ details. If all are known, then it shouldn’t be called lost lah kan.. maybe Snatched or Robbed. Anyway, I’m glad Arwen was not harmed and didn’t bruise. We only realized the ‘lost’ after MIL asked where the ‘was’ were. And it’s the day that we have many people coming in and out of the house since it’s my lil bro’s malam berinai. To all, it seems like someone is doing the bad thing, but hubby has done tracking with the pictures of arwen and we concluded that it was lost after 6th Dec and before relatives and neighbors started coming to our house to help with the wedding chores.
Sedih memang sedih, tapi semua yang terjadi mesti ada hikmah disebaliknya. Tapi yang bikin panas tu masa kenduri ni la banyak benda-benda kecik hilang. Yang wajib hilang apa lagi… selipar la… iskk… my crocs sandal, and my children’s toilet flip flop. So, as a reminder to me and to all my friends, if you’re having lotsa people in the house, do keep all your valuables in a locked room. Do not let anyone enter any rooms without you or your family present. Better be cautious than be sorry.