Friday, August 7, 2009

Simulation: Day 4

Finally... course ended with our group successfully completed the task. I was very lemah in the morning... headache, lost of appetite, feeling very chilly but to my surprise it all has gone after lunch hehehe... thanks to my caring friends...

me and my girlfriends went to watch The Proposal.. there's 7 of us.. funny, romantic, full of emotions are the words to describe the movie. Then we had teh tarik sambil chit chat pot pet until the lights at the stall went off to signal us to 'move out' hahaha... It was a nite to remember until we meet again which i dunno when.. *sigh*


nona said...

i'm in love with Ryan Reynolds. is there any 6 footers who wants to propose to me??? hehehe.... syok ar semlm... 1st time aku tgk wayang ngan ko!

The lucky woman said...

kekeke... syok kan... 1st time gak aku tgk wyg kuar tgh2 tgk pehtu termiss part penting huhuhu... len kali kita wat lagik ah heheh