Friday, August 22, 2008

There's still kind person out there

A very zillion thanks to Mr Khairi from Jab. Penerangan, Wisma Dang Bandang, Kota Kinabalu.

On the 15 of August, my handphone nearly lost, again!!! Just few weeks after Bee said 'How many times la u want to 'wakaf' ur handphone khady?' These words popped-up from her reply email after I told the friends in the mailing list my new phone number.

I was fetching my son and my mother in law @ KFC Bandaran, I drove to Shell to fill in the tank.It was a massive jammed!!.. well... KK in Friday noon!!! Then we went to KK Plaza. While having lunch, I realized that my hp is not with me. I asked my son whether he saw it.Nope. Then I was thinking that it might slipped off in the car. Then we went to the parking, searching for the hp in the car.Nope. It was not in the car. Then I thought I might have leave it on the table in the office. Nope. It was not in the office. I give up!! okay!!! I lost my handphone again!!!

Then my colleague lend me his handphone, asking me to call my number. It's ringing and answered!!

me: Hello...
my hp: Hello...
me: Di mana ni??
my hp: KK
me: Ini handphone saya la ... (with a rising tone of voice)
my hp: Ya... saya jumpa ni handphone di shell.. terjatuh... kamu dtg sini la, saya kerja di sini Jab. Penerangan Wisma Dang Bandang sebelah shell ni.
me: Oh yaka... bah.. bah... terima kasih byk2 ah...


Self-Proclaimed Yummy Mummy said...

now dats funny...u asking, di mana ni??? hahahahhahaha...good 4 u!u got ur hp still d same number ka ni???

AmizaR said...

yg paling lawak tu..buli lagi tanya aqin "mana tepon mama?"

The lucky woman said...

Heheh.. Dunno y i asked d question.yup, still d same nos.

The lucky woman said...

Ya ba,slalu tny aqin dia tau jg mana sbb kdg2 dia 2kang pgang hp mama dia hahah.

izanazuani said...

there are definitely kind people. but we afraid that it would slowly extinct... nasib la org yg jumpa handphone ko tu jujur... takdir juga tu...

The lucky woman said...

Ya Zan, my MIL pun ckp It's the friday blessings.. alhamdulillah

Val Aziz said...

Hey si pun ada terjumpa hp tercicir d hotel masa ada seminar baru ni.. sia jadi MC so sia announce la di dpn. last2 owner da call p hp tu n i gv back. Kalu indada sia jual juga tu ehehhe. Oh ya si Izyanty pun ada cerita pasal ni her blog.

marina@chan said...

hmm...aku rasa better get a cheap one...kalu ilang tak menyesal..but nasib baik okie..but is ur number still the same?